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starship-init: Display the subcommand help.
$ starship init --help
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The command "starship init --help" is used to display the help documentation for the "starship init" command.

"Starship" is a customizable and fast prompt for creating a shell prompt in various shells like Bash, Fish, Zsh, etc. The "init" subcommand is used to generate a minimal configuration file called "starship.toml", which can be modified to customize the prompt appearance.

By appending "--help" to "starship init", you are asking for information about the different options and arguments available for the "starship init" command. The help documentation typically provides a detailed explanation of the command's usage, flags, and any additional configuration options that can be used with the command.

Using "starship init --help" will give you a list of available flags, their purpose, and the syntax they should be used in. The help documentation helps users understand how to utilize the "starship init" command effectively to generate and customize their shell prompts.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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