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starship: Explain each part of the current prompt and show the time taken to render them.
$ starship explain
try on your machine

The "starship explain" command is used to provide explanations and details about the configuration and functionality of the Starship prompt.

Starship is a customizable and cross-shell prompt, which means it can be used with a variety of command-line shells like Bash, Zsh, Fish, and more. It shows information about the current shell session, like the current directory, Git branch, time, and more. The "starship" command is the executable used to configure and interact with the Starship prompt.

By running "starship explain," you can get a detailed explanation of each element and configuration option available in the Starship prompt. It shows a list of different sections that can be customized, such as prompt, battery, Git status, command duration, and more. For each section, it provides clear descriptions of what it does and how it can be customized using the configuration file.

In summary, "starship explain" is a command that gives you a comprehensive explanation of all the available configuration options and elements in the Starship prompt, allowing you to customize your prompt to your liking.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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