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starship: Print the completion script for the specified shell.
$ starship completions ${select}
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The command "starship completions ${select}" is used with the Starship prompt utility, specifically for generating completion scripts for a particular shell.

Here's an explanation of the different components:

  • "starship" refers to the name of the command, which in this case is the Starship prompt utility. It is a highly customizable and cross-shell prompt that displays information about the current workspace.
  • "completions" indicates the action to generate completion scripts for a shell.
  • "${select}" is a placeholder for the specific shell for which you want to generate completions. You need to replace "${select}" with the name of the desired shell, such as "bash" or "zsh".

By running this command with the appropriate shell name, Starship will output a completion script for that shell. This completion script can then be sourced in the shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc or .zshrc) to enable auto-completion for Starship commands in the shell.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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