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start-service: Display information without starting a service.
$ Start-Service -DisplayName *${name}* -WhatIf
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The Start-Service command is a PowerShell command used to start a Windows service. It allows you to start a service programmatically rather than manually starting it through the Services console in Windows.

In the given command:

  • "-DisplayName" is a parameter used to specify the display name of the service to start. The "*" characters are wildcards, so in this case, it could match any service that contains the characters ${name} in its display name.

  • "-WhatIf" is an optional parameter used to simulate the command execution without actually starting the service. It allows you to preview the changes that would be made if the command were run without actually making those changes. It is commonly used as a safety measure to avoid unintended consequences.

So, the command is instructing PowerShell to start a service whose display name matches the pattern specified by "${name}" and to simulate the execution without actually starting the service.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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