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stdbuf: Change the standard output buffer to line-buffered.
$ stdbuf --output=${L} ${command}
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The command "stdbuf --output=${L} ${command}" is used to control the output buffering behavior of a command.

Here's the breakdown of its components:

  • "stdbuf": It is a command that allows altering the buffering for a command's I/O streams.

  • "--output=${L}": This flag specifies the buffering mode for the output stream. The value of ${L} is a variable or a number that determines the buffer size. A larger buffer size can improve performance, but it might delay the output. The exact behavior depends on the value assigned to ${L}.

  • "${command}": It represents the actual command that you want to run, and its output behavior you want to modify.

In summary, this command sets the output buffering mode for the specified command. By modifying the buffering behavior, you can control how and when the output of the command is displayed or processed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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