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steam: Launch Steam and enable its in-app debug console tab.
$ steam -console
try on your machine

The command "steam -console" is used to launch the Steam client with an additional console option. This option opens a console window alongside the Steam interface, allowing users to enter commands and view debug information.

The console provides a developer-friendly interface, commonly referred to as a "developer console," which enables users to execute various commands related to Steam functionality. While this console is primarily used for troubleshooting and debugging purposes, it can also be utilized to modify certain game parameters, access hidden features, or obtain additional information about various Steam functions.

By executing "steam -console," users can launch the Steam client along with the console window, ensuring they have access to the command-line interface for more advanced interaction with the Steam client and associated games.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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