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steam: Launch Steam in Big Picture Mode.
$ steam -tenfoot
try on your machine

The command "steam -tenfoot" is used to launch the Steam client in the Big Picture Mode, also known as Tenfoot mode.

Steam's Big Picture Mode is a user interface designed specifically for using Steam on a television or a larger screen in a more comfortable and controller-friendly way. It enlarges the text and buttons, optimizes the layout for viewing from a distance, and enhances navigational controls for use with a controller or remote.

By running the command "steam -tenfoot" in a terminal or command prompt, you are instructing the Steam client to start in Big Picture Mode, providing a more console-like experience on your computer screen that integrates well with televisions and other large displays.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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