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steamcmd: Install or update an application anonymously.
$ steamcmd +login ${anonymous} +app_update ${appid} +quit
try on your machine

This command is used to automate the process of updating a game or software on Steam using the Steam Command-Line Interface (steamcmd). Let's break down each part of the command:

  1. steamcmd: The command itself to run the Steam Command-Line Interface.

  2. +login ${anonymous}: This parameter specifies the login details for the Steam account. In this case, it uses the anonymous login which allows access to public content but does not require a Steam account. It doesn't require a password to be provided.

  3. +app_update ${appid}: This parameter is used to specify the specific application or game that should be updated. ${appid} is a placeholder for the Steam App ID, which is a unique identifier for each game or software on Steam. You should replace ${appid} with the actual App ID of the game or software you want to update.

  4. +quit: This parameter tells the Steam Command-Line Interface to exit after completing the update process.

Overall, the command executes steamcmd, logs in with an anonymous account, updates the specified app or game using its App ID, and then quits the steamcmd program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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