steghide: Get the list of supported encryption algorithms and modes.
$ steghide encinfo
try on your machine
The command "steghide encinfo" is used in steghide, which is a tool used for hiding data within various image and audio files.
"encinfo" is short for "encoding information" and is a command that provides information about the encrypted data within a steghide file. When you encrypt data using steghide, it generates a steghide file that contains both the cover file (e.g. image or audio file) and the hidden data.
By running "steghide encinfo" followed by the name of the steghide file, you can retrieve information such as the format of the cover file, the amount of data stored within the file, and details about the encryption algorithm used. This command helps to verify the existence and integrity of hidden data within a steghide file.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.