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stolonctl: Get cluster specification.
$ stolonctl --cluster-name ${cluster_name} --store-backend ${store_backend} --store-endpoints ${store_endpoints} spec
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The command stolonctl is a command-line tool used in the Stolon ecosystem. It allows users to interact with and manage Stolon clusters.

Here is the explanation of the command:

stolonctl: This is the command itself, indicating the usage of the stolonctl tool.

--cluster-name ${cluster_name}: This flag specifies the name of the Stolon cluster you want to interact with. The ${cluster_name} is a placeholder variable that needs to be substituted with the actual cluster name.

--store-backend ${store_backend}: This flag defines the type of backend store where Stolon stores its metadata and cluster information. The ${store_backend} placeholder should be replaced with the desired store backend, such as etcd, consul, or redis.

--store-endpoints ${store_endpoints}: This flag is used to provide the endpoints to connect to the backend store. The ${store_endpoints} placeholder should be substituted with the actual endpoints required to communicate with the backend store. The format of the endpoints might differ depending on the store backend used. For example, if using etcd, the endpoints may be comma-separated IP addresses or domain names.

spec: This is a command that operates on the Stolon cluster specified by the --cluster-name flag. The spec command is used to view or modify the cluster's specifications, such as configuration parameters or settings.

In summary, the command is used to interact with a specific Stolon cluster, providing the cluster name, store backend type, and the endpoints to communicate with the store.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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