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stolonctl: Get cluster data.
$ stolonctl --cluster-name ${cluster_name} --store-backend ${store_backend} --store-endpoints ${store_endpoints} clusterdata
try on your machine

The command you provided is stolonctl, which is a utility program used to manage a PostgreSQL cluster created using Stolon, a PostgreSQL high availability (HA) solution.

Here is a breakdown of the command and its arguments:

  • stolonctl: This is the main command to interact with the stolonctl utility.

  • --cluster-name ${cluster_name}: This specifies the name of the Stolon cluster you want to interact with. The ${cluster_name} is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the actual name of the cluster.

  • --store-backend ${store_backend}: This specifies the backend store used to store cluster metadata and coordination information. The ${store_backend} is another placeholder, and you need to replace it with the desired backend store, such as "etcd", "consul", or "zk" (ZooKeeper).

  • --store-endpoints ${store_endpoints}: This specifies the endpoints of the backend store to connect to. The ${store_endpoints} is another placeholder, and you need to replace it with the actual endpoints of the backend store you are using. For example, if you are using etcd, the endpoints could be "http://localhost:2379".

  • clusterdata: This is a subcommand of stolonctl and is used to retrieve information about the cluster, such as the current primary, standby, and other cluster data. Running this command will output information about the cluster specified by the previous arguments.

In summary, the command stolonctl --cluster-name ${cluster_name} --store-backend ${store_backend} --store-endpoints ${store_endpoints} clusterdata is used to retrieve information about a Stolon PostgreSQL cluster by connecting to a specific backend store and cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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