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stormlock: Test if a lease for given resource is currently active.
$ stormlock is-held ${resource} ${lease_id}
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The command "stormlock is-held ${resource} ${lease_id}" is used to check whether a resource is currently held by a specific lease in Apache Storm.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its parameters:

  • "stormlock" is the command to interact with the Apache Storm distributed lock service.
  • "is-held" is an action to check if a resource is currently held by a lease.
  • "${resource}" is the name of the resource you want to check.
  • "${lease_id}" is the ID of the lease you want to check.

By running this command, Apache Storm will determine if the specified resource is currently held by the lease identified by the given lease ID. The outcome will either be "true" or "false." If the resource is held by the lease, it means the lease has exclusive access to that resource. Conversely, if the resource is not held by the lease, it suggests that the lease does not have control over the resource at the moment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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