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strace: Start tracing file operations of a program.
$ strace -e trace=file ${program}
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The command "strace -e trace=file ${program}" is used to trace the file-related system calls made by a program.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • "strace" is a command-line tool available in Unix-like operating systems to trace system calls and signals made by a program.
  • "-e trace=file" is an option that specifies that we are interested in tracing only file-related system calls made by the program.
  • "${program}" is a placeholder for the name or path of the program you want to trace.

When this command is executed, it runs the specified program while also intercepting and printing out all the file-related system calls it makes. These system calls can include opening, closing, reading, writing, and other operations related to files or file descriptors.

The command can be useful for debugging, analyzing the file access patterns of a program, or understanding the dependencies and interactions it has with the file system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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