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strace: Show the time spent in every system call.
$ strace -p ${pid} -T
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The command "strace -p ${pid} -T" is used to attach to a running process with the specified process ID (pid) and trace its system calls while also measuring the time taken by each system call.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • strace: This is the command used to trace system calls and signals made by a process.
  • -p ${pid}: This option specifies the process ID (pid) of the process to be traced. Replace "${pid}" with the actual PID of the process you want to trace.
  • -T: This option is used to print the time taken by each system call. It displays the time in seconds, followed by a decimal point and the number of microseconds.

By using this command, you can monitor the system calls made by a specific process and analyze the time taken by each system call to identify potential bottlenecks and performance issues.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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