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streamlink: Specify the amount of time to skip from the beginning of the stream. For live streams, this is a negative offset from the end of the stream (rewind).
$ streamlink --hls-start-offset ${[HH:]MM:SS} ${example-com-stream} ${best}
try on your machine

This command is using the program Streamlink to stream a specific video from a website ( using the HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) protocol.

Let's break down each part of the command:

  • streamlink: This is the command to execute the Streamlink program.
  • --hls-start-offset: This is an option that allows you to specify an offset to start the HLS stream from. The value is provided after the option, represented here as ${[HH:]MM:SS}. You can replace this with a specific time duration in hours, minutes, and seconds to start playing the video from a desired point.
  • ${example-com-stream}: This is a placeholder that represents the URL or stream name of the video you want to stream from the website. You would typically replace this with the actual URL or stream name.
  • ${best}: This is another placeholder, which represents the desired quality of the video stream. In this case, ${best} means that the highest quality available should be streamed. You can also specify other options like ${worst} for the lowest quality or specify a specific resolution or bitrate.

To summarize, this command launches Streamlink and instructs it to play a specific video from using the HLS protocol, starting from a specified offset time, and streaming the highest quality available.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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