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stress: Spawn 2 workers to stress test memory (each worker allocates 256M bytes).
$ stress -m ${2} --vm-bytes ${256M}
try on your machine

The command "stress -m ${2} --vm-bytes ${256M}" is a Linux command that uses the program "stress" to simulate a system stress test.

Let's break down the command:

  • "stress" is a tool used to impose a controlled amount of stress on different system resources like CPU, memory, disk I/O, etc.

  • "-m ${2}" specifies the type of stress to be imposed on the system's memory. The "${2}" represents a variable that should be provided when running the command. The value assigned to "${2}" will determine the type of memory stress. It could be "1" for all available memory, "2" for a default amount, "3" to allocate memory continuously, or other options depending on the specific version of the "stress" program.

  • "--vm-bytes ${256M}" specifies the amount of memory to be used in the memory stress test. The "${256M}" represents another variable that should be replaced with a value when running the command. In this case, it is set to allocate 256 Megabytes of memory.

Overall, this command is used to stress the system's memory by allocating a specific amount of memory (${256M}) based on the option specified (${2}). It helps in testing how the system handles memory-intensive tasks and monitors its performance under such conditions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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