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strip-nondeterminism: Strip nondeterministic information from a file manually specifying the filetype.
$ strip-nondeterminism --type ${filetype} ${filename}
try on your machine

The command strip-nondeterminism --type ${filetype} ${filename} is used to remove non-deterministic information from a file. Let's break down the individual components:

  • strip-nondeterminism: This is the name of the command or program being invoked. It is likely a tool provided by a specific software or package, which is responsible for stripping non-deterministic information.

  • --type ${filetype}: This option specifies the type of the file being processed. ${filetype} represents a variable that holds the value of the desired file type. It could be something like jpeg, pdf, jar, etc. This helps the tool to understand the format and structure of the file.

  • ${filename}: This variable holds the name of the file on which the non-deterministic information will be stripped. You should replace ${filename} with the actual name of the file you want to process.

Overall, the command is generally used to make files reproducible or deterministic. Non-deterministic information can include timestamps, random numbers, build paths, version numbers, etc., which can cause differences in the file each time it is generated. By removing such non-deterministic information, the file's contents become consistent across different builds or environments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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