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strip: Strip symbols from a file, saving the output to a specific file.
$ strip ${path-to-input_file} -o ${path-to-output_file}
try on your machine

The command you mentioned, "strip ${path-to-input_file} -o ${path-to-output_file}", appears to be an instruction for the "strip" utility in a Unix-like operating system (such as Linux).

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • "strip": It refers to the command or utility named "strip". "strip" is commonly used to remove symbol table and relocation information from object files, executables, or shared libraries. It is often used to minimize file sizes by removing unnecessary debugging information.

  • "${path-to-input_file}": This is a placeholder indicating the path or location of the input file you want to process. In the command, you need to replace "${path-to-input_file}" with the actual path to your specific input file.

  • "-o": It is a command-line option used to specify the output file for the "strip" command. Following the "-o" option, you need to provide the desired output file path.

  • "${path-to-output_file}": Similarly to the input file, this is a placeholder indicating the path or location where you want to save the output file. Replace "${path-to-output_file}" with the actual desired path for your output file.

To summarize, the command is instructing the "strip" utility to remove the symbol table and relocation information from the file defined by "${path-to-input_file}". The resulting file will be saved as the file specified by "${path-to-output_file}".

Keep in mind that the exact functionality and available options of the "strip" command may vary slightly depending on the operating system and specific version you are using.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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