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stty: Set the number of rows or columns.
$ stty ${select} ${count}
try on your machine

The command "stty" is used to change or display terminal settings in Unix-like operating systems.

In the given command, "stty" is being used in conjunction with two variables: ${select} and ${count}. The specific values of these variables are not mentioned, so the explanation will be generic.

The ${select} variable represents a specific terminal attribute or setting that is being modified or displayed. For example, it could be used to control how input characters are handled, the behavior of special keys, or the terminal display settings.

The ${count} variable represents the value that will be assigned to the specified terminal attribute represented by ${select}. It could be a number or a specific keyword that corresponds to a predefined behavior.

Together, the "stty ${select} ${count}" command is used to modify or display a specific terminal setting represented by ${select} with the specified value represented by ${count}. The effect of this command will depend on the specific values assigned to ${select} and ${count}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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