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subfinder: Remove wildcard subdomains.
$ subfinder -nW -d ${example-com}
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The command subfinder -nW -d ${example-com} is used to scan for subdomains of the domain "${example-com}" using the tool called "subfinder".

Here is an explanation of the command and its components:

  • subfinder: It refers to the executable file or command for the tool "subfinder", which is a subdomain discovery tool used to find subdomains associated with a given domain name.

  • -nW: These are two command-line flags or options used with the "subfinder" tool.

    • The -n flag instructs "subfinder" to perform a passive subdomain enumeration. This means it will gather subdomains without sending any requests to the target's infrastructure directly.

    • The -W flag tells "subfinder" to skip wildcard DNS resolution. Wildcard DNS is a configuration that returns the same IP address for any subdomain that does not exist. By using this flag, "subfinder" will ignore such wildcard DNS configurations and focus on valid subdomains.

  • -d ${example-com}: This is another command-line flag used to specify the domain name to target for subdomain scanning. ${example-com} represents a placeholder for the actual domain name. For example, if the domain to investigate is "", you would replace ${example-com} with

Overall, the command is invoking the "subfinder" tool with the specified options to passively discover subdomains of the given domain while skipping wildcard DNS resolutions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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