subfinder: Use a brute-force attack to find subdomains.
$ subfinder -d ${example-com} -b
try on your machine
The command subfinder -d ${example-com} -b
is used to perform subdomain enumeration using the tool called "subfinder".
Here's a breakdown of the command and its options:
: This is the name of the tool or command being executed.-d ${example-com}
: The-d
flag is used to specify the target domain for subdomain enumeration. In this case,${example-com}
is a placeholder for the actual domain name. You need to replace${example-com}
with the desired domain name, enclosed in quotes if it contains special characters or spaces. For example,-d ""
: The-b
flag is used to enable bruteforce mode. It indicates that the subdomain enumeration should be performed by using brute force techniques to guess subdomains based on common patterns or wordlists.
To use the command effectively, replace ${example-com}
with the actual domain you want to perform subdomain enumeration on. Make sure you have the necessary access to execute the subfinder
tool, and ensure that the tool is properly installed on your system.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.