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subfinder: Show only the subdomains found.
$ subfinder --silent -d ${example-com}
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The command "subfinder --silent -d ${example-com}" is utilized in the command line interface for running the "subfinder" tool with specific options.

Here is an explanation of the components of the command:

  • "subfinder": This is the name of the executable tool that is being run. "subfinder" is a popular open-source subdomain enumeration tool used for discovering subdomains associated with a domain.

  • "--silent": This option instructs subfinder to run in silent mode, which means it won't display extraneous information or progress updates during execution. This is useful when you want a more concise output.

  • "-d ${example-com}": This option specifies the domain that you want to enumerate subdomains for. In this case, it uses "${example-com}" as a placeholder. The actual domain name should be placed there without the "${}" symbols. For example, if you want to enumerate subdomains for "", replace "${example-com}" with "".

So, when you run the command "subfinder --silent -d ${example-com}" in the command line interface, the "subfinder" tool will start silently enumerating the subdomains associated with the specified domain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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