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sublist3r: Find subdomains for a domain, also enabling brute force search.
$ sublist3r --domain ${domain_name} --bruteforce
try on your machine

The command sublist3r --domain ${domain_name} --bruteforce is used to execute the Sublist3r tool, which is a Python-based tool used for subdomain enumeration.

Here's an explanation of the command and its options:

  • sublist3r: It is the name of the command that triggers the execution of the Sublist3r tool.

  • --domain: It is an option used to specify the domain name for which you want to enumerate subdomains. ${domain_name} should be replaced with the actual domain name you want to analyze.

  • --bruteforce: It is an option used to enable the bruteforce mode of subdomain enumeration. In this mode, Sublist3r tries to find subdomains by using a wordlist or dictionary of words and trying different combinations with the domain name.

Overall, this command will launch Sublist3r and instruct it to enumerate subdomains of a specific domain using the bruteforce method.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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