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sublist3r: Output all available options.
$ sublist3r --help
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The command "sublist3r --help" is used to display the help information and usage options of the Sublist3r tool.

Sublist3r is a reconnaissance tool designed for scanning and enumerating subdomains of a given domain. It helps security professionals and penetration testers in finding and gathering information about potential subdomain names for a target domain. By analyzing DNS records, search engines, and other sources, Sublist3r can generate a list of subdomains associated with the target domain.

When you run the "sublist3r --help" command, it shows you the list of available options, their descriptions, and how to use them correctly. These options provide various functionalities and configurations for customizing the subdomain scanning process. Some common options you may find in the help output include:

  • "-d, --domain": Specifies the target domain for which you want to enumerate subdomains.
  • "-e, --engines": Specifies the search engines to query for subdomain discovery.
  • "-p, --ports": Specifies the ports to scan for open services on discovered subdomains.
  • "-t, --threads": Specifies the number of concurrent threads to use for scanning.
  • "-o, --output": Specifies the file to save the results of subdomain enumeration.
  • "-h, --help": Displays the help message.

By using the "sublist3r --help" command and understanding its options, you can effectively utilize Sublist3r for subdomain enumeration and tailor it to your specific needs and requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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