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sublist3r: Find subdomains for a domain.
$ sublist3r --domain ${domain_name}
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The command "sublist3r --domain ${domain_name}" is used to execute the Sublist3r tool with a specified domain name argument.

Sublist3r is an open-source Python tool used for enumerating subdomains of a target domain. It gathers data from various search engines, DNS databases, and brute-forcing techniques to discover subdomains associated with the specified domain.

In the given command, "--domain" indicates that the subsequent argument will be a domain name. "${domain_name}" is a placeholder for the actual domain name you want to enumerate subdomains for.

To use the command, you would replace "${domain_name}" with the desired domain you want to target. For example, if you want to enumerate subdomains for the domain "", the command becomes "sublist3r --domain".

Executing this command will initiate Sublist3r and start the subdomain enumeration process for the specified domain.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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