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subst: Remove an association.
$ subst ${Z:} /d
try on your machine

The command "subst ${Z:} /d" is used to delete a virtual drive created with the "subst" command in Windows.

The "subst" command in Windows is used to create a virtual drive that points to a specific path on the computer. It allows you to assign a drive letter to a directory or folder, enabling easier access to that location from the command line or Windows Explorer.

In the given command, "${Z:}" represents the virtual drive that was created using the "subst" command. The drive letter "Z" (or any other letter) was assigned to a specific path.

The "/d" flag at the end of the command stands for "delete". It instructs the system to remove the virtual drive and release the associated drive letter. Running this command will remove the virtual drive created with "subst" and free up the drive letter for other uses.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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