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surfraw: Display the URL to the elvi's results page for a specific search.
$ surfraw -print ${elvi} "${search_terms}"
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the surfraw tool to perform web searches from the command line. Here's what each element of the command does:

  • surfraw is the command itself, invoking the surfraw tool.
  • -print is an option that tells surfraw to print the resulting URL(s) instead of opening them in a web browser. This is useful when you want to preview the URL before opening it.
  • ${elvi} is a variable placeholder that represents a particular search engine or website you want to search through. In surfraw, an "elvi" is a plugin that provides access to various search engines. You would replace ${elvi} with a specific elvi name, e.g., google, duckduckgo, or wikipedia.
  • search_terms is another placeholder representing the search terms you want to use for the web search. You would replace ${search_terms} with the actual terms you want to search for.

For example, if you want to search Google for the term "surfraw", you might run the command like this:

surfraw -print google "surfraw"

The command will then print out the URL of the search results page, which you can preview or use for further processing.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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