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surfraw: Display an elvi description and its specific options.
$ surfraw ${elvi} -local-help
try on your machine

This command utilizes the surfraw utility to display the local help documentation for a specific elvi.

The surfraw utility is a command-line interface to various search engines and information retrieval websites. It allows you to perform internet searches, check weather forecasts, look up definitions, and more directly from your terminal.

${elvi} is a placeholder for a specific elvi, which represents a search script or a specific search engine within the surfraw utility. Elvi provide the functionality to search specific websites or perform specialized searches. Examples of elvi include Google, Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, etc.

By using the -local-help option, the command requests the local help documentation specifically for the chosen elvi. This help documentation provides information about the various commands and parameters available for performing searches using the elvi.

Executing this command will display the local help documentation for the specified elvi, helping users understand how to utilize the search capabilities efficiently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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