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surfraw: Search using an elvi with specific options and open the results page in the browser.
$ surfraw ${elvi} ${elvi_options} "${search_terms}"
try on your machine

This command is utilizing the surfraw command-line tool, which is used to search various search engines from the terminal. Here is an explanation of the different components of the command:

  1. surfraw: This is the actual command used to invoke the surfraw tool.

  2. ${elvi}: It is a placeholder or variable that represents the specific search engine or search "elvi" (singular: elvis) you want to use. Elvi is the term used in surfraw to refer to different search engines. When executing the command, you need to replace ${elvi} with the desired search engine name, such as google, wikipedia, etc.

  3. ${elvi_options}: Similar to ${elvi}, this is another placeholder or variable that represents any specific options or preferences you want to apply to the selected search engine. For instance, if you want to search only for images on Google, you can replace ${elvi_options} with --images.

  4. "${search_terms}": This is another placeholder or variable representing the actual terms or keywords you want to search on the chosen search engine. When executing the command, you need to replace ${search_terms} with your desired search terms enclosed in double quotes.

Putting it all together, you will replace ${elvi} with the search engine name, ${elvi_options} with any options relevant to that search engine, and ${search_terms} with the desired search words. The resulting command will be used to trigger a specific search on the chosen engine with the provided terms through the surfraw tool.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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