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sv: Start a service.
$ sudo sv up ${path-to-service}
try on your machine

This command is a combination of two commands: "sudo" and "sv up".

  1. "sudo" is a command used in Unix-like operating systems that allows users with the appropriate permissions to run specific commands as the superuser or another user. It is commonly used to execute commands that require administrative privileges.

  2. "sv up" is a command that is specific to the runit init system. It is used to bring a service specified by "${path-to-service}" up or start it if it is not already running.

The "${path-to-service}" represents the path to the service directory or service file that needs to be brought up or started. The actual path would be replaced with the specific location of the desired service.

When you execute the entire command "sudo sv up ${path-to-service}", it requests administrative privileges using "sudo" and then uses "sv up" with the specified service path to bring up or start the service.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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