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svcs: List all running services.
$ svcs
try on your machine

The command "svcs" is used in the Solaris and Oracle Solaris operating systems to display the status of services. It allows you to view information about the services running on the system, including their state (online, offline, maintenance), their process ID (PID), the time they were started, and any dependencies they have.

When you run the "svcs" command without any options, it lists all services and provides a summary of their state. You will see a list of services along with their status, for example, "online" indicating the service is running correctly, "offline" meaning it is stopped, or "maintenance" indicating that the service is under maintenance.

You can use various options with the "svcs" command to display additional information or filter the output. Some commonly used options are:

  • "-a" or "--all": Shows all services, including those currently disabled or not running.
  • "-d" or "--disabled": Shows only disabled services.
  • "-e" or "--enabled": Shows only enabled services.
  • "-l" or "--long": Provides detailed information about services, including dependencies and process details.
  • "-p" or "--process": Displays process information for services, including the PID and command used to start the service.
  • "-o" or "--output": Specifies a custom output format.

By using these options, you can effectively manage and monitor services on your Solaris or Oracle Solaris system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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