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svcs: Display end of a service log file.
$ tail $(svcs -L apache)
try on your machine

The command "tail $(svcs -L apache)" is composed of two parts: "svcs -L apache" and "tail".

  1. "svcs -L apache": This command lists the state of the "apache" service using the "svcs" command with the "-L" flag. The "svcs" command is a Solaris command that displays the status of system services. By specifying "apache" after the "-L" flag, it filters and only shows information about the "apache" service.

  2. "tail": This command is used to display the last few lines of a file or output. By default, it displays the last ten lines.

Putting it all together, the "$(svcs -L apache)" part is a command substitution, which means the output of the "svcs -L apache" command will be passed as an argument to the "tail" command. So, it will output the last few lines from the status of the "apache" service.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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