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svcs: List services that are not running.
$ svcs -vx
try on your machine

The command "svcs -vx" is used to display detailed information about the status and properties of system services in a Solaris operating system.

  • "svcs" is a command in Solaris that allows users to interact with the service management facility (SMF). It provides information about the state, health, and dependencies of services.
  • "-v" is an option used to display more verbose output. It includes additional information such as the service state, reason for the state, and its dependencies.
  • "-x" is another option that adds even more details to the output. It includes information about any errors encountered by the services, the services' log files, and any property groups associated with the services.

In summary, when you run "svcs -vx" command, you get a detailed view of the service statuses, reasons for their states, error information, log files, and properties.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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