sw_vers: Print all available information (OS name, version number, and build).
$ sw_vers
try on your machine
The "sw_vers" command is a command-line tool used in macOS (previously known as OS X) to display information about the version of the operating system currently running on the Mac.
When you execute the "sw_vers" command in the Terminal application, it retrieves various details related to the macOS version, including:
- "ProductName": This refers to the name of the macOS release, such as "macOS Big Sur" or "macOS Catalina."
- "ProductVersion": This indicates the specific version number, which includes major, minor, and patch version.
- "BuildVersion": This shows the build number, which represents a unique identifier for a particular release or update.
Overall, the "sw_vers" command is useful when you need to quickly check and verify the macOS version installed on your computer without navigating through graphical user interfaces.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.