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swaks: Deliver a standard test email, requiring CRAM-MD5 authentication as user ``. An "X-Test" header will be added to the email body.
$ swaks --to ${user@example-com} --from ${me@example-com} --auth ${CRAM-MD5} --auth-user ${me@example-com} --header-X-Test "${test_email}"
try on your machine

This command is using the swaks (Swiss Army Knife for SMTP) tool to send an email.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its options:

  • swaks: The command to execute the swaks tool.
  • --to ${user@example-com}: Sets the "To" address for the email. Replace ${user@example-com} with the actual receiver's email address.
  • --from ${me@example-com}: Sets the "From" address for the email. Replace ${me@example-com} with the actual sender's email address.
  • --auth ${CRAM-MD5}: Specifies the authentication method. In this case, it's set to CRAM-MD5, which is a secure, challenge-response authentication mechanism.
  • --auth-user ${me@example-com}: Specifies the username to use for authentication. Replace ${me@example-com} with the actual sender's email address.
  • --header-X-Test "${test_email}": Adds a custom header called "X-Test" to the email. The value of the header is taken from the variable ${test_email}.

You may need to replace the placeholder values ${user@example-com}, ${me@example-com}, and ${test_email} with actual values specific to your email requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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