The command "swift ${file-swift}" is a command used to run a Swift file. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:
"swift": It is the command to execute the Swift programming language interpreter. When executed, it makes the Swift interpreter process the provided Swift script or file.
"${file-swift}": This is a placeholder that is expected to be replaced with the name or path of the Swift file you want to run. The "$" symbol, followed by the curly braces, denotes a variable or placeholder in shell scripting. So, in this case, "${file-swift}" should be replaced with the actual filename or path of the desired Swift file.
To run a specific Swift file using this command, you need to replace "${file-swift}" with the actual file name or path. For example, if you have a Swift file named "example.swift", you should modify the command to "swift example.swift" before executing it.