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swift: Update dependencies.
$ swift package update
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The swift package update command is used in Swift Package Manager (SPM) to update the dependencies specified in the Package.swift manifest file.

When you run this command, SPM analyzes your project's dependencies and checks if any updates are available. It then fetches the latest versions of those dependencies and updates your project accordingly.

Here's what happens when you run swift package update:

  1. SPM reads the Package.swift file in your project directory to determine the dependencies and their versions that are specified in the file.

  2. It checks the package repositories (usually specified using a URL) to see if any of the dependencies have newer versions available. It compares the versions specified in Package.swift with the latest releases available.

  3. If newer versions are found, SPM fetches those updated versions and updates your project accordingly. It may download the new code and build it as necessary.

  4. After the update, SPM updates the necessary dependency graph and resolves any conflicts that may have arisen due to version changes. It maintains the compatibility between dependencies.

It's important to note that the swift package update command only updates the dependencies to their latest released versions. If you want to include pre-release versions or specify more specific versions, you need to manually edit the Package.swift file.

Overall, swift package update helps ensure that your Swift project is using the latest versions of its dependencies, keeping your project up-to-date and potentially benefiting from important bug fixes or new features provided by those dependencies.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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