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swift: Start a new project with the package manager.
$ swift package init
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The swift package init command is used to initialize a new Swift package or project.

When you execute this command in your terminal, it creates a new directory with the name of your package in the current working directory. Inside this directory, it generates the necessary files and folders to structure your Swift package.

These files include:

  • Package.swift: This file is a manifest file that defines the package's metadata, dependencies, and targets.
  • Sources/: This folder contains the Swift source code files for your package. By default, it includes a single source file main.swift.
  • Tests/: This folder is used to store test files for your package. It contains an example test file XCTestManifests.swift.

The swift package init command initializes a basic package structure, and you can modify and add files as needed for your project. Once the package is initialized, you can start adding dependencies, creating new targets, and developing your Swift project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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