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swipl: Start an interactive session.
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The command "swipl" stands for "SWI-Prolog".

SWI-Prolog is an open-source Prolog implementation that provides a development environment for writing and executing Prolog programs. Prolog is a logic programming language used for solving problems involving symbolic computation, artificial intelligence, and logical reasoning.

When you enter the "swipl" command in the terminal or command prompt, it launches the SWI-Prolog interpreter. This interpreter allows you to interactively enter Prolog queries, define rules and facts, and execute Prolog programs. It provides a prompt where you can enter Prolog code and get instant results.

Once the SWI-Prolog interpreter is open, you can start entering Prolog queries and code to explore the language and its capabilities. You can load Prolog files, define facts and rules, perform queries, and get the results directly from the interpreter.

Overall, "swipl" is the command to start the SWI-Prolog interpreter, which enables you to interactively work with Prolog programs and perform logical reasoning tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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