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swupd: Remove a bundle.
$ sudo swupd bundle-remove ${bundle}
try on your machine

This command is used on Linux systems that use the Clear Linux distribution. Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • sudo: This is a command that stands for "superuser do" and it allows the user to run a command as a superuser or root user. The root user has administrative privileges and can execute commands with elevated permissions.

  • swupd: This is a command-line tool used for managing software packages on Clear Linux. It is the package manager for Clear Linux, and it facilitates the installation, update, and removal of software bundles.

  • bundle-remove: This is a subcommand of swupd used to remove software bundles from the system. Bundles are groups of software packages that are installed together, and this command allows you to remove an entire bundle rather than individual packages.

  • ${bundle}: This is a placeholder that represents the name of the bundle you want to remove. You would replace ${bundle} with the actual name of the bundle you intend to remove. For example, if you wanted to remove a bundle named "graphics", you would replace ${bundle} with graphics, resulting in sudo swupd bundle-remove graphics.

Overall, the command sudo swupd bundle-remove ${bundle} is used to remove a software bundle from a Clear Linux system, with the specific bundle identified by its name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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