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syncthing: Force a full index exchange.
$ syncthing -reset-deltas
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The command "syncthing -reset-deltas" is used to reset the delta index of Syncthing.

Syncthing is a decentralized file synchronization tool that allows you to synchronize files and directories between multiple devices. The delta index, or delta database, is a component of Syncthing that keeps track of changes made to the files. It helps to efficiently synchronize only the modifications instead of transferring the entire file each time.

By running the "syncthing -reset-deltas" command, you are instructing Syncthing to reset the delta index. This means that all the recorded changes made to the files will be discarded, and the synchronization process will start anew. It can be helpful in situations where the delta index becomes large or corrupted, causing synchronization issues or high resource consumption.

However, it is important to note that resetting the delta index will cause all previously synchronized devices to retransfer the modified files, which can result in increased network traffic and time consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to use this command with caution and only when necessary.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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