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syncthing: Show filepaths to the files used by Syncthing.
$ syncthing -paths
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The command syncthing -paths is used to display the paths that Syncthing uses for various purposes.

Syncthing is an open-source file synchronization tool that allows multiple devices to synchronize and share files securely. The -paths option is a command-line flag that displays the paths used by Syncthing.

When you run the command syncthing -paths, it will provide information about various directories used by Syncthing, such as:

  1. Configuration directory: This is the location where Syncthing stores its configuration files, including settings, device information, and certificates.

  2. Database directory: This is the directory where Syncthing stores its local database, including metadata about files and sync status.

  3. Index directory: Syncthing maintains an index of all files being synced. This directory contains the index data.

  4. Global discovery directory: Syncthing supports a global discovery mechanism to find other devices across the internet. This directory contains temporary data related to device discovery.

  5. Local discovery directory: Syncthing can also discover devices on the local network. This directory contains temporary data related to the local device discovery process.

These paths are essential for Syncthing's operation and are displayed by using the syncthing -paths command. It can help you verify the directories being used by Syncthing and troubleshoot any issues related to file synchronization or configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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