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syncthing: Start Syncthing.
$ syncthing
try on your machine

Syncthing is a command-line tool used for file synchronization between devices. It allows you to keep files and folders in sync across multiple computers or devices that are connected to the same network.

When you run the "syncthing" command, it starts the Syncthing service, which creates a web interface accessible through a web browser. This interface allows you to configure and manage the synchronization settings, view the synchronization progress, and monitor the status of connected devices.

Once you have Syncthing running on multiple devices, you can specify the folders you want to synchronize and choose the devices that should be involved in the synchronization process. Syncthing then automatically detects changes made to the files or folders in the specified directory and keeps them up to date on all the connected devices.

The synchronization is performed over the network using various protocols like TCP/IP and encryption is used for secure transmission of data. Syncthing supports operating systems like Linux, Windows, macOS, and BSD, making it versatile and widely compatible.

Overall, Syncthing provides a convenient and efficient way to keep files and folders synchronized between multiple devices, enabling easy access and consistent data across all connected devices.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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