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systemd-run: Start a transient service with a custom unit name and description.
$ sudo systemd-run --unit=${name} --description=${string} ${command} ${argument1 argument2 ---}
try on your machine

This command sudo systemd-run is used to run a command as a transient systemd unit. Transient units are temporary and not persisted across reboots. This command is typically used to execute a command that requires system services or permissions.

Here's a breakdown of the command structure:

  • sudo: This is a command used to execute another command with administrative privileges. It allows the user to run commands as the superuser or another privileged user.
  • systemd-run: This is the command that executes the specified command as a transient systemd unit.
  • --unit=${name}: This option assigns a unique identifier or name to the transient unit. It can be used later to manage or inspect the unit.
  • --description=${string}: This option sets a brief description or name to the transient unit. It helps identify the purpose or function of the unit.
  • ${command}: This is the command to be executed by systemd as a transient unit.
  • ${argument1 argument2 ---}: These are the arguments or parameters passed to the command. It can be zero or more arguments separated by spaces. The --- signifies the end of options and the beginning of command arguments.

By using this command, you can run a command with privileges and dependencies managed by systemd, making it easier to control and monitor the execution in a reliable and unified way.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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