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tabula: Extract all tables from a PDF, using blank space to determine cell boundaries.
$ tabula --no-spreadsheet ${file-pdf}
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The command you provided is incomplete as it includes a placeholder ${file-pdf}, but it can be interpreted based on the context.

tabula is a command-line tool used for extracting tables from PDF documents. The --no-spreadsheet flag is an option provided by the tabula tool that specifies to output the extracted tables in a tab-separated format instead of generating a spreadsheet (such as a CSV file).

Assuming the ${file-pdf} is meant to be replaced with the name or path of the PDF file you want to extract tables from, the command would look like this:

tabula --no-spreadsheet /path/to/file.pdf

This command instructs the tabula tool to extract tables from the specified PDF file (/path/to/file.pdf) in a tab-separated format instead of a spreadsheet.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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