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tart: Create a new Mac VM from a specific ipsw file.
$ tart create --from-ipsw=${select} ${vm-name}
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The command "tart create --from-ipsw=${select} ${vm-name}" is used to create a new VM (Virtual Machine) using the TART (Transitory Automated Runtime Toolkit) tool. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "tart create": This is the command to create a new VM using TART. TART is a tool that helps automate the creation and management of virtual machines.

  • "--from-ipsw=${select}": This option specifies that the VM should be created from an IPSW file. IPSW is a file format used by Apple for firmware updates and restoring iOS devices. The "${select}" is a placeholder that would typically be replaced with the path or name of the IPSW file you want to use.

  • "${vm-name}": This is also a placeholder that would be replaced with the desired name for the new VM. You can choose a name that is meaningful to you or related to the purpose of the VM.

So, when you run this command, it will tell TART to create a new VM by using an IPSW file as the source, and the VM will be given the specified name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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