The command "tart create --from-ipsw=${select} ${vm-name}" is used to create a new VM (Virtual Machine) using the TART (Transitory Automated Runtime Toolkit) tool. Here's a breakdown of the command:
"tart create": This is the command to create a new VM using TART. TART is a tool that helps automate the creation and management of virtual machines.
"--from-ipsw=${select}": This option specifies that the VM should be created from an IPSW file. IPSW is a file format used by Apple for firmware updates and restoring iOS devices. The "${select}" is a placeholder that would typically be replaced with the path or name of the IPSW file you want to use.
"${vm-name}": This is also a placeholder that would be replaced with the desired name for the new VM. You can choose a name that is meaningful to you or related to the purpose of the VM.
So, when you run this command, it will tell TART to create a new VM by using an IPSW file as the source, and the VM will be given the specified name.