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tart: Run an existing VM with a specific mounted directory.
$ tart run --dir=${path-to-directory}:${-path-to-local_directory} ${vm-name}
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be incomplete or contains some inconsistencies. However, I will try to explain the parts that are visible:

tart run is likely a command to execute or run a process or script using the Tart framework. The specifics of what the run command does may depend on the configuration and usage of the Tart framework or application.

--dir=${path-to-directory}:${-path-to-local_directory} is an option passed to the tart run command. It seems to define a directory mapping for the execution environment. The ${path-to-directory} and ${-path-to-local_directory} variables should be replaced with the actual paths to the directories you want to map.

${path-to-directory} represents the path to a directory in the execution environment, and ${-path-to-local_directory} represents the path to a corresponding local directory on the current machine.

${vm-name} is another variable that should be replaced with the name of the virtual machine (VM) or execution environment in which the process is being run.

However, please note that there might be typos or errors in the command you provided, so it would be best to double-check and correct them for accurate usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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