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task: Complete a task.
$ task ${task_id} done
try on your machine

This command is not clear and cannot be fully explained without more context or knowledge of the specific system or application it is referring to.

However, based on the given command, it appears to be a template or placeholder command where ${task_id} is a variable representing the unique identifier or ID of a task. The command might be used to mark a task as "done" or completed in a task management system or application.

To use this command, you would need to replace ${task_id} with the actual ID of the task you want to mark as done. The command might be executed in a command-line interface, a script, or within an application that supports task management functionality.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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