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taskkill: Terminate a process by its ID.
$ taskkill /pid ${process_id}
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The command "taskkill /pid ${process_id}" is used to terminate a specific process running in a Windows operating system.

Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "taskkill" is the command used to terminate tasks or processes in Windows.
  • "/pid" is an argument that specifies the process ID (PID) of the process to be terminated.
  • "${process_id}" is a placeholder for the actual process ID. You need to replace it with the numeric PID of the process you want to terminate.

To use this command, you need to know the process ID of the target process. You can find the process ID of a running process using tools like Task Manager or PowerShell. Once you know the process ID, you substitute it for "${process_id}" in the command and execute it. The command will then terminate the corresponding process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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