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tbl: Typeset input with tables to PDF using the [me] macro package.
$ tbl -T ${pdf} ${path-to-input-tbl} | groff -${me} -T ${pdf} > ${path-to-output-pdf}
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This is a command pipeline that processes a document.

Here is the breakdown of each command:

  1. tbl -T ${pdf} ${path-to-input-tbl}:

    • tbl is a command used to format tables in plain text documents.
    • -T ${pdf} specifies the output format as PDF.
    • ${path-to-input-tbl} refers to the path or filename of the input table file.
    • This command takes the input table file and converts it to a PDF format.
  2. groff -${me} -T ${pdf} > ${path-to-output-pdf}:

    • groff is a command used to typeset and format documents.
    • ${me} refers to a variable that specifies the macro package to use for formatting. It should be replaced with an appropriate value, such as ms for the standard macro set.
    • -T ${pdf} specifies the output format as PDF.
    • > ${path-to-output-pdf} redirects the output of the groff command to the specified path or filename for the output PDF file.

Combining these commands into a pipeline, the output of the tbl command is passed as input to the groff command, which then generates the final PDF file using the specified macro package and output format.

Note: The ${pdf}, ${me}, ${path-to-input-tbl}, and ${path-to-output-pdf} are likely placeholders for actual values that need to be replaced with appropriate filenames and paths.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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